An indispensable ally when it’s time to sell your practice
If it is time for you to consider selling or otherwise transitioning out of your practice, ETS family physicians can leverage our network across the country to confidentially market your practice. We use the same proven tools, technology and processes to locate prospective buyers as we do for identifying potential associates. The future buyer of your practice is very likely someone we have spoken to in the last six to twelve months. We are not brokers. We stick with what we’re good at: confidentially conducting nation-wide searches to identify potential buyers. You can rely on your trusted legal and financial advisors for the rest.

The Benefits of Selling a Practice with ETS:
- ETS delivers far more potential buyer candidates than traditional brokers at a fraction of the cost. Every month, ETS family physician is in contact with hundreds of professionals (practice owners, family physicians and practice managers).
- Unlike a practice broker, ETS is a contingency-based firm. There is absolutely no risk to you as the seller if we can’t find a buyer. If you find a buyer yourself, there is zero cost.
- Our clients often tell us that we bring them far more buyer prospects than any other source. Our team uses a database of thousands of family medicine professionals to make thousands of contacts each month.
- We do not require any exclusivity.
- Your buyer search is confidential.

The Cost of Selling a Practice without ETS:
- A typical practice brokerage charges 10% of the practice value. It costs you $100,000 to sell your practice if it is valued at $1,000,000.
- Even if you find a buyer through your own efforts, you will likely still have to pay the practice broker according to most contracts.
- The number of potential buyers a practice broker can approach is limited.

Where do we confidentially find prospective buyers?
- Associates looking to move into ownership
- Recently discharged military family physicians
- Practice owners planning to expand in a territory
- Practice owners interested in mergers with a practice in your market
- Companies interested in practice acquisitions
- Multi-specialty groups, healthcare systems, and private equity